Welcome to Modern Preiodic Table Instruction

Here You can see how to use the Modern Periodic Table

Table of Contents

  1. About the View
  2. Atomic Number & Mass Number
  3. Lanthanides and Actinides
  4. An icon () to see all information of that element in WIKIPEDIA

Simplified view for all mols

The page contains a simple view for everey 118 elements in a functionable box. just like the Hydrozen below

Hydrozen Mol

Each box of the mols contains the element's:

  • Atomic Number
  • Mass Number
  • Symbol
  • Name
  • An icon () to see all information of that element in WIKIPEDIA

Atomic and Mass Number

On the top of the each mols you will see two numbers. one in the left side and another in the right side. You will easily figure out that the number in the left indicates the atomic number and the number in the right indicates the mass number of that mol

Hydrozen Mol

See Actinide and Lanthanide Mols

Lanthanide and Actinide mols are usually displayed below the main periodic table. But technically they are the mols of period 6 and 7 respectively. Lanthanide mols are from 57 to 71 whereas Actinide mols are 89 to 103. Although they are usually displayed in the bottom of the periodic table in this page they are kept in their respective destination. if you click the box 57-71 numbered it will show the lanthanide mols. Such as that if you click the 89-103 numbered box , it will show the actinide mols.


Clicking the following box will show this:


Just like that you can see Actinide mols also


If you Hover over the icon () it will show you a popup. If you click that icon it will take you to wikipedia page where you can see all the information about that respective mol in wikipedia
